The Way to Improve Emotional Intelligence is…

Money Miners
4 min readAug 10, 2021
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be strengthened with practice. It’s an important determinant of success across various social and professional contexts, but many people don’t understand what emotional intelligence is and how they can go about improving it.

Achieve more at work, get better grades in school, communicate better with your spouse or partner, lose weight and keep it off, enjoy your relationships more, maintain high energy levels throughout the day- these are just a few of the many things high emotional intelligence can provide you.

If you’re interested in improving your emotional intelligence level, here you’ll discover the process of doing this.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

A person’s emotional intelligence can be described as their ability to understand and manage their own emotions, and the ability to recognise emotions in others. It is often referred to as “EQ” which stands for “Emotional Quotient” and is a way of measuring someone’s emotional intelligence.

Employers want emotional intelligence in their employees because it helps us have better relationships with other people, and be successful at work. Employers want to know if a person has the potential for empathy, self-awareness, and other qualities like that. Researches also show that people with emotional intelligence are more likely to be successful in their careers.

Strategies to Promote Emotional Intelligence in Your Organisation

Promoting emotional intelligence within an organisation can help to increase productivity, reduce conflict, and improve employee engagement. This can be done by teaching managers how to listen without trying to fix things, making time for empathy and understanding in the workplace, and developing a culture of trust.

The first strategy for promoting emotional intelligence is to include a component that addresses emotions in your leadership development program. The second strategy is to hold regular meetings with employees where you are open about your own feelings and encourage them to share theirs. The third strategy is to set up a suggestion box where employees can share their thoughts anonymously on how they would like the company culture changed or improved.

How to Recognise and Handle Negative Emotions at Work?

It is important to recognise that negative emotions are a natural part of life for all humans and to find ways to deal with them in a healthy manner as they occur.

Stress can be a powerful trigger for various health issues, and when it reaches an extreme level it will have the ability to cause serious problems. The body’s immune system, hard-wired to respond only to physical threats, can be weakened. At the same time, chronic stress can lead to hormonal changes with the side effect of either too much or too little of certain hormones.

There are many different ways for us to release our negative emotions but one thing is certain — we need to do something.

I think a great way to release negative emotions is by journaling.

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and let negative thoughts and feelings creep into our lives. But there are many ways for us to release our negative emotions. One thing is certain — we need to do something. I think a great way to release negative emotions is by journaling. Journaling can be a powerful tool for reflection and healing. When we have a traumatic experience, our brains can

Some people find it helpful to get social support or talk about their feelings with someone close because it makes them feel less alone. Others like drawing, painting, or physically moving the energy out of their body through exercise. Some people find that being creative at work helps them focus on something else and release some of the negativity while still getting the job done

The Truth About the Relationship Between EQ and IQ

Some people believe that EQ and IQ are two different traits that measure different things. However, this is not true. EQ and IQ are both highly influenced by genetics and environmental factors. There is a correlation between high intelligence scores and high EQ scores because both of these traits require the same brain functions that have been studied extensively, such as emotional regulation.

IQ tests measure cognitive ability, or the mental function of intellectual operations over reasoning, abstraction, problem solving, judgement and memory whereas EQ tests measure emotional intelligence which is the ability to identify emotions in oneself as well as in others. These two attributes are not measured separately but are rather combined into one score with EQ on top of IQ for a total score indicating your emotional quotient (EQ) and IQ combined together (IQ). For example if someone

