5 Foods That Can Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

Money Miners
4 min readAug 29, 2021
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

If you’re looking for ways to make yourself feel better or improve your appearance, it might be time for you to consider having your teeth whitened with natural ingredients!

Teeth that show signs of aging yellowing, becoming dull and stained are inevitable and detrimental side effects of living in this modern-day. It’s never too late to start taking care of your teeth.

While we know the importance of taking care of our teeth, the process can oftentimes be lengthy and irritating. We wish it was easier to make our teeth whiter without having to resort to expensive products that take days before they start showing results. Today, we will discover 5 foods that can naturally whiten your teeth.

What Causes Chalky White Teeth?

Teeth are composed of three layers. The outer layer called enamel is the hardest substance in your body. It is the top layer of your tooth that protects your teeth from outside harm and infection. The middle layer called dentin is the softer layer within your tooth and consists of living tissue, nerve cells, and blood vessels. Finally, the innermost layer is a thin membrane called cementum that also contains calcium deposits which make it extremely hard to remove plaque without them.

Enamel can succumb to many factors such as fluoride, sugar, or coffee leaching into your system which then damages its structure. However, you can also damage enamel by brushing too hard or using abrasive kinds of toothpaste which strip away these protective layers along with some of their natural minerals like potassium and magnesium.

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How To Avoid Chalky White Teeth?

Most people don’t care about their teeth — they just want to be able to eat and drink without getting a toothache. But for those who are more conscious about their teeth, the best way of avoiding chalky white teeth is by using toothpaste that’s designed for them.

Today, there are so many brands that produce toothpaste that can make your teeth more colorful with no stains. Some of these brands have even created custom-made toothpaste for different shades of your desired color.

There are a few ways to avoid chalky white teeth, but the best way to do so is through oral hygiene and routine dental care.

Oral hygiene — Washing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste (like Colgate) and using dental floss on a daily basis can help prevent the formation of plaque on your teeth.

Routine dental care — You should go for a professional cleaning at least twice a year. This includes an examination by your dentist, where they will take X-rays in order to check for any issues or cavities that may need attention.

The Benefits of Lightening Your Teeth Naturally

We all want a healthy smile but it is important that we do not forget about our teeth. Our teeth help us chew food, grind our teeth, and even serve as protection. It is important to keep them clean and healthy so they will last longer.

Many people are looking to lighten their teeth naturally because they are tired of the expensive process of getting veneers or dental work done. Many people prefer natural methods because they think that they will be cheaper and faster.

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that can be done at home with little to no pain. It is also proven to boost your self-esteem and your mood. Some people are hesitant about having their teeth whitened because they think they won’t look as good afterward. However, the effects usually only last for about two weeks and you don’t have to worry about it damaging any of the natural enamel on your teeth.

Foods That Can Help Whiten Your Teeth Naturally and Quickly!

One of the best ways to get whiter teeth is by eating a healthy diet. These foods are also known to help in reducing plaque buildup and cleaning teeth naturally. But in case you don’t want to stop all your favorite foods, there is some food that can help you out.

Foods such as have been found effective in whitening teeth due to their high level of antioxidants. They can help remove stains from coffee or tea that builds up throughout the day. Teeth tend to be whiter when they are filled with saliva. So drinking water throughout the day will not only keep your mouth moist but it will also promote healthy tooth growth!

Some of these foods include dark leafy greens, yogurt, apples, spinach, watermelon, and apples. In addition to these foods, you should avoid processed food such as sugar and white flour and drink plenty of water. This will help you keep your teeth clean and white!

Why You Should Be Checking Your Teeth Daily — Huge Importance of Whitening Your Teeth for Dental Health

Many people do not have the time to visit a dentist every day or may not even be aware of the importance of going to a dentist. Here is why you should be checking your teeth daily and how to go about it.

The first step in caring for our teeth is obviously washing. There are two ways of doing this: with water or with toothpaste. Water should never be used since it can dull your teeth and make them more prone to cavities, so toothpaste is the best option.

In order to get rid of stains on your teeth, use a good whitening agent after brushing your teeth. One that will work the best would be Crest White Strips — they are powerful and also easy to use since they only need one application.

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